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This is an experiment with using blogging to keep me accountable to actually processing and considering what I’m reading and encountering these days, rather than simply doomscrolling or zoning out. I suppose you could consider it so be something like a reading journal, but including podcasts and Youtube videos to the texts that are the subject of the journaling. I don’t know if it will be useful to anybody but me, but if somebody else is stumbling accross it, here are the priors and cognitive contexts for the thinking that will be reflected here.

  1. I’m very curious about the world and what’s going on in it.
  2. I seek to think theologically through the lens of orthodox Christianity as I process the thoughts I encounter.
  3. I desire to be integrated in my thinking and actions.
  4. I look for the good wherever my gaze turns.
  5. I’m convinced that many features of society today are at work to undermine numbers 1-4, and so this journal is in part a project to shor up those efforts.

I live in a medium-size town in Florida where I am a public school high school English teacher. I believe that it’s fairly foolhardy today to attach your name to any kind of opining that might veer into the ever-expanding territory of what would be considered political discourse unless you are well-entrenched career-wise in an institution that aligns with your perspective. That is not the case for me, so I’ll do what I can to keep this fairly anonymous.